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Research Guides

Eastern Washington University Libraries

CSBS 320: Introductory Statistics for the Social Sciences

This course-specific guide has resources that may help you with your individual paper assignment.

Choose a Topic and Search Library Online Catalog

Basic steps of an effective search strategy

Step 1: Focus on your research topic 

  • Think about research questions or hypotheses
  • Identify individual variables or key concepts from your research question 
  • Brainstorm key terms for search (identify synonyms and related terms to broaden your search)

Step 2. Identify appropriate databases in Databases A-Z

  • Understand the scope and size of various databases germane to psychology
  • Explore database features and use limiters
  • Apply various search techniques such as Boolean operators, parenthesis, phrase searching, truncation

Step 3: Review and evaluate your results

  • Identify one relevant article to look for other key terms/descriptors within the article record for additional search 
  • Use bibliography/references at the end of the article to identify related sources

Find Scholarly / Peer-Reviewed Articles in Library Databases

Social Science Data Resources is the home of the U.S. Government's open data and also provides access to many local government and non-federal open data resources. is an online source for health-related data. It is constantly being updated, and includes thousands of data sets that can be downloaded.


For more government data and statistics, please visit the page of Government Data & Statistics

APA Citation Style 7th Edition

Writing Literature Review

Interactive Student Participation