Hints for Finding Books
Try authorlastname criticism as your keywords. The Library of Congress Subject Heading is lastname, firstname -- criticism and interpretation.
Example: feminist poetry? (poems OR poetry) AND (women OR feminis*)
What’s in the catalog?
How do I search the catalog? | How do I locate an item? | I can't find the specific book or video I want.
Know the title or author?
If you know the exact title of the item, type in the title "in quotes" and the last name of the author (if known).
Click Browse in the top bar and type in the title and/or author. (Note: The Browse function only works for EWU holdings of books or videos, not for titles held by other libraries.)
Find Books on an Author, Work, Theory, or Motif
Type in your keywords. For one or more terms, type the keywords as you would in Google, no AND necessary, e.g. poe gothic.
I would suggest using the Advanced Search if you have a fairly complex search. See below.
Refining Your Search
Because the EWU Library Catalog has records for all types of resources, you will very likely need to limit your search results. Note all the limiters on the left side, as well as some quick limiters at the top.
Useful limiters:
Mark Your Records
See the push pin icon on the far right (labeled "Keep this item" if you hover over it)?
Click it and it will change the push pin icon and highlight the brief record yellow. You have marked a record temporarily. Click the push pin icon in the top right corner to view your marked records.
The last line of the brief record describes where the item is located.
If the wording is green, that means it is readily available, either online or physically on our shelves at the JFK Library in Cheney or Spokane Academic Library.
If the wording is yellow, that means you'll have to request it. Click Check request options - held by Summit libraries. You must be logged in to request the item -- you'll be prompted to if you aren't already.
Once you are logged in, click the link Place Summit request (4-8 days). The form will ask you:
Click REQUEST. You will be notified via your EWU email address when the item is ready to be picked up.
If the wording is gray, that means either:
I can't find the specific book or video I want.
While the EWU Library Catalog has millions of records, it only will search through the holdings of the 39 Summit libraries. If you can't find a specific book, video, CD, etc., then go to the EWU WorldCat Catalog and re-do your search. WorldCat has records from thousands of libraries worldwide. You may request the item via Interlibrary Loan.