If you are looking on some tips on beginning your research, I suggest that you visit this Beginning your research guide and reach out to me with any questions, Kelly Evans, kevans21@ewu.edu
This is a customized (and customizable) option within the EBSCO system, which allows simultaneous searching of the following databases: Academic Search Complete, MEDLINE, CINAHL, Health Source, and SPORTDiscus. A good option for broadly searching a wide variety of resources. For more focused searching choose one of the databases below.
CINAHL (Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature) indexes journals as far back as 1937 and provides full-text for over 2,300 journals. Also includes books, dissertations, conference proceedings, research instrument descriptions, and evidence-based care sheets.
Comprehensive index to all aspects of medicine back to 1946. Freely available from the National Library of Medicine, PubMed includes all MEDLINE content, plus additional selected biomedical sources. Look for the "Check for Full Text at EWU" button within individual PubMed records.
Database for sports, fitness, sports medicine, and physical education. Articles from journals and magazines going back to 1985. Also includes selective indexing for around additional journals, plus assorted books and conference proceedings.
Indexes articles and analyzes citations from 20,000+ journals in the sciences and social sciences back to 1970, though some are as far back as 1788. Search this database in lieu of Web of Science.
Access to the American Journal of Physiology 1898-1977, as well as the seven individual sections of AJP from 1977-1997. Also provides access to six other APS journals, except for the most recent year.