Office: JFK Library, U02C
Text or phone: 509.818.0559
Meet with Me (Office Hours):Wednesdays & Thursdays 3-5pm or by appointment, in person or via zoom.
Use the Schedule Research Consultation button above, for Mon-Fri 9-6pm. If you need to meet during the evening or weekend, please email me.
On the Open Web
Run Into Articles With Paywalls?
Copy the title of the article and past it into the EWU Library Catalog. It knows of millions of articles we have available full text.
Just Newspaper Articles - Can Limit to Editorials
Find Scholarly Journal Articles
Not finding useful results?
You may need to try a different subject-specific database. See for guides for our majors, or Databases A-Z and limit to a subject, for databases tagged for that particular subject.
Basic Search Tips for Any Library Database
Virtually all of the databases can be searched with the same strategies. Below are specifics for EBSCOhost, our most popular interface.
Searching any EBSCOhost Database
Type in your search terms.
Narrowing Results
The database wants to help us narrow down. Note the various limiters on the left side:
If the articles seem too specific or too technical, try narrowing to magazine articles.
Reviewing Your Results
Get more info: For more information about the article, such as a summary, click on the hyperlinked title, or hover over the magnifying glass icon next to the title.
Re-sort the results: These results are by relevance, or which ones have our keywords the most frequently. You can change to by date if you wish.
Note length of the article: How many pages is it? If it’s less than 1 page (1/3p or 1/8p), it’s probably not worth your time.
Finding the Full Text
When you are searching in one of the library databases and the article in question isn't available full text right there, look for this icon or a hyperlink that says EWU - Check for Full Text.
Clicking the Check for Full Text button in the databases brings up a screen like this...
Step 1: If the article is available online, it will say Fulltext available at the top. (It looks like a hyperlink, but it is a link to take you to the page you're already on.) Under View It, you will see links to the databases that have the article. In the example above the article is available in Elsevier ScienceDirect Journals Complete.
Step 2: If the article is not available full text, it will say Check availability. To see if we have it in print or microfilm, scroll down and click Find in a Library. If we do have at least one issue of the source, it will give you the holdings record for that source (date range held, location, and call number).
Step 3: If the article is not available full text, and we do not have it in print/microfilm, click the link Request this article using Interlibrary Loan (in the middle under Can't find it? -- see image above). You will need to log in using your NetID/SSO. Verify that the fields were filled out correctly and click the red Submit Request button. Articles usually take around 5 days. You will be notified via your EWU email that the article is available for you to download. (Directions are in the email.)
Save Relevant Articles
When you find articles you would like to examine further, click the link Add to Folder. Once you are finished, click Folder View in the gold Folder has items box on the right side of the screen. You can email all the results to yourself.