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Research Guides

Eastern Washington University Libraries

English 170: Introduction to Literature

Information for High School Students

Accessing the Databases

  1. You may have been given a username/password for your class to use online.
  2. You are officially registered in the EWU systems in one of our quarters (fall, winter or spring). During the quarter you are registered, go to and you can find out what your NetID username is and create a password for yourself. This username/password then allows you access to all of the library's databases off-campus, as well as log onto the public computers and wi-fi.
  3. Or you can physically visit the library.

Visiting the EWU JFK Library

When are we open?

  • Monday – Thursday: 7:30am to midnight
  • Friday: 7:30am to 6:00pm
  • Saturday: noon to 5:00pm
  • Sunday: 1:00pm to midnight


The lot above the football stadium is free all the time. Most of the lots on campus are free after 5pm and on weekends. On evenings/weekends, the closest parking lot to the library is the lot off of Washington Street -- just past the football stadium, but on the other side of the street.

Using the Computers

  • Use the computers that are on the main level, behind the reference desk. They do not require a login.
  • Bring a USB flash drive to save articles. Most of the databases allow you to email articles, but have this as well since a few do not. JSTOR is one that does not email the PDF of the article. (It will email a link to it instead, and the link does not work off-campus.)
  • Use the USB flash drive to scan print resources and save them as a PDF -- the scanners are free, the photocopiers are not. (If you want to photocopy, bring change. And you'll have to ask at the Reference Desk for them to copy for you via a copy card, and then pay us. Thus the scanners really are a less cumbersome option.)