Library Stats
- 21 miles of shelving in the JFK Library
- 1.5 million items
- 750,000 titles
- 30,000+ online or print periodicals
- 14,400 videos/DVDs
- 100+ electronic databases
- 200 laptops for check-out
- Around 100 public computer stations
- 1,270 seats
- 12 group study rooms
- 1 coffee shop - Thomas Hammer on the Main Level
- Wireless access throughout the JFK Library
When is the library open?
During fall/winter/spring quarters, the hours are
Monday-Thursday: 7:30am to 10pm
Friday: 7:30am to 4pm
Saturday: CLOSED
Sunday: 1pm to 9pm
See Library Hours for more information.
Where is the library?
Where can I study?
- At study carrels and tables scattered throughout the library
- In group study rooms: 7 on the Lower Level and 5 on the Upper Level
- Assigned lockable carrels for students working on their thesis; contact Circulation Desk at 359-7888 or email for availability
How can I check out a laptop or other equipment?
- Go to the Lower Level Services Desk to check out a laptop, digital camera, projector, etc. See Equipment Checkout for a full inventory and more information.
How can I get more help with my research?
How can I get more help with my writing?
- Contact the Writers' Center. You will need to make an appointment with them, but they can meet face-to-face or virtually.
For more frequently asked questions, see the general FAQ.