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Research Guides

Eastern Washington University Libraries

Information Literacy Framework

A tool for developing IL learning opportunities

Implementation of the Information Literacy Framework

Information literacy is an integral component of learning and teaching. Librarians can support and assist teaching instructors in increasing the information literacy of their students.





Practice Example


Support for academic department and library faculty/instructors seeking to integrate information literacy into teaching (Note: future reference will be dept/library instructors for brevity purposes)

Assessment resources designed to intentionally develop and assess information literacy skills

Department or Library instructors

Simple annotated bibliographies

Search and evaluation skills


Explicit discussion of information literacy skills in class

Library Instructor or Library Instruction Task Force

Scholarly/peer review/academic publication

Critical thinking and evaluation. Development of scholarly practice


Development of information literacy and research skills throughout a program

Library/Dept instructor collaboration

Finding scholarly articles in first year to creating a conference poster in advanced courses

Application of Understanding






Liaison with faculty/teaching staff to ensure information literacy skills are included in the development of courses and programs or individual library instruction sessions

Map the development of information literacy from first year through to graduation and beyond

Course instructor

Map skills development at both course and program levels

Identify learning and teaching opportunities in existing courses, and as courses are reviewed


Identify opportunities to advance information literacy skills in assessments

Course instructor and/or Course/Library instructor

Apply tools such as the Information Literacy Framework and the Framework for Information Literacy in Higher Education to EWU courses

Skills development is implicit in the learning process


Ensure the skills to search for, evaluate and synthesize information

Course instructor and Learning Services Coordinator as well as Instruction Task Force members

Encourage searching for, rather than linking to material

Online learning includes a range of skills, including information discovery



Course & Library instructor

Provide relevant, engaging learning activities and explicit help opportunities







Within courses and/or insruction sessions, increase students’ skills in search and evaluation of information

In collaboration with teaching staff, develop and deliver tutorials and classes


“point of need” support is available online or face to face

Students have the tools to become independent information seekers

Work alongside teaching staff in targeted skills development classes specifically associated with an assessment item

Using information is an intrinsic component of university learning and teaching

Participate in lectures and tutorials where an information literacy component has been identified

Library and teaching staff develop a shared understanding of disciplinary information environments






Provide resources for both students and teaching staff to develop information skills and knowledge

Develop multimodal help options, such as print, online, video to meet various learning preferences


Subject guides; How-to guides; Contextualized help options for linking or embedding in CANVAS courses

Support is available in multiple formats, not context or location specific