× Summit and Interlibrary Loan requesting are unavailable through January 20, 2025. They will resume Tuesday January 21, 2025.
P is for Patient, Population, or Problem (i.e. a disease or condition)
I is for Intervention (e.g. therapy, procedure, drug, exposure, test, strategy)
C is for Comparison (i.e. compared to an alternative intervention or an experimental control)
O is for Outcome (i.e. the consequence, effect or improvement of interest and the measurement thereof)
T is for Type of question (e.g. is your question about therapy; diagnosis; prognosis; etiology; harms; prevention)
T is for Type of research study most likely to provide answers (e.g. systematic review; randomized controlled trial (RCT); longitudinal study; qualitative study)
****Courtesy of https://libguides.depaul.edu/c.php?g=253614&p=3232561****