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Research Guides

Eastern Washington University Libraries


Find journal articles, books, and citation information for biology, chemistry/biochemistry, environmental science, and geology


Specifically for Biomedical Issues

Biodiversity literature

Biodiversity Heritage Library has legacy biodiversity literature that can be freely viewed.

for open access and responsible use as a part of a global “biodiversity commons.” BHL also serves as the foundational literature component of the Encyclopedia of Life (EOL). BHL content may be freely viewed through the online reader or downloaded in part or as a complete work in PDF, OCR text, or JPG2000 file formats. For help with downloading content, please see the FAQ page.

Specifically for Agricultural Issues


Encyclopedias and other reference books available online.

Ways to narrow or broaden a search

Boolean operators allow you to combine words or phrases in specific ways.

AND requires that all words be present in the retrieved articles.

OR allows any of the words to be present in the retrieved articles.  Use for synonyms of words.

NOT requires that the word is not present in any of the retrieved articles.  Use with extreme caution because it can eliminate relevant articles.


Truncation or wildcards allow you to search for words beginning with specific characters. 

Many databases use an asterisk (*) to turncate.

ex: categor* retrieves category, categories, categorical, etc.

Be careful truncating short words.

ex: cat* retrieves cat, cats, category, catastrophe, catacylsmic, etc.


Phrase searching keeps words together as a phrase.  Many databases assume the Boolean "and" between words unless you indicate otherwise, usually by putting double quotes around the phrase.

ex:  "size selective predation"