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Research Guides

Eastern Washington University Libraries

APA Style 7th Edition Tutorials for Psychology and Social Work

The citation tutorials are based on the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (7th edition).

What is Academic Writer?

Academic Writer Logo

Academic Writer® is now part of our collection of library resources. It is a new online resource that helps students learn to write scholarly papers .

Academic Writer is a digital platform where students can master learning the process of scholarly writing at their own pace. Aligned with the text of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological AssociationSeventh Edition, Academic Writer helps students to learn and apply the guidelines of APA Style. It features three independent but integrated centers: Learning Center, Reference Center, and Writing Center.

The Learning Center includes a tremendously rich assortment of interactive quick guides and tutorials that enable users to design their own approach to building effective writing skills.

  • 85 Quick Guides: Brief, interactive lessons covering specific guidelines for APA Style academic writing, including reference and page formatting, avoiding bias in writing, and more.
  • 21 Tutorials: Longer than the quick guides, these provide in-depth interactive lessons on topics such as avoiding plagiarism, conducting experimental research, finding sources for papers, and more.
  • 115 Knowledge Checks (formative & summative assessments): Low-stakes quizzes designed to gauge student mastery of APA Style concepts across a variety of subjects, from citing sources and writing style mechanics to structuring a title page.
  • Samples: Browse nearly 30 sample tables, figures, and full papers, along with more than 200 sample references.
  • Convenient Quick links to Sections of the Publication Manual: Easy access to specific rules and relevant texts from of the Publication Manual

The Reference Center mainly is for storing your references. Enter or import and store references in the account. Import references in RIS format, and categorize the references using personalized tagging. 

  • Reference tagging: Students can create their own tags to organize and easily search their references.
  • New reference types: Additions from the Publication Manual (7th ed.) include Instagram photos, infographics, recorded webinars, anthologies, legal materials, and more.
  • Manage references: Enter and store references using an unrivaled set of customized forms for more than 120 reference types, with strict adherence to the seventh edition guidelines of APA Style.

The Writing Center, the heart of Academic Writer, is where students compose academic papers. Students can learn everything about the scholarly writing process with the creation of a research paper.

  • Paper Templates: Structured templates for the most common types of research papers guide students through proper formatting of title pages, fonts, margins, and more.
  • Collaboration between Students and Professors: Students can collaborate on group papers, and educators can monitor and comment on students’ progress.
  • Resource pane: This unique tool conveniently pinned to the bottom of the writing space provides easy access for citing sources and adding references, tables and figures, appendices, and footnotes.
  • Research Lab Book: Five specially created tools assist students in developing, planning, and tracking their research.
    1. Develop My Research Idea
    2. Plan & Track My Research
    3. Create an Annotated Bibliography
    4. Describe My Tests & Measures
    5. Track the Flow of Participants

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