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Eastern Washington University Libraries

Technical Communication 405: Usability

For Dr. Kate Crane

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The researchers who publish their findings around usability are mainly in computer science and business. But since you are concerned with students and libraries, you could focus on library science and education sources.

Education & Library Science

Computer Science

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Finding Books

Relevant books on user design and usability testing are in many different places in the library, and we have many eBooks. Some key terms to try are:

  • "usability test*"
  • "user interfaces"
  • "human-computer interaction"
  • "consumer behavior" technology


We have various eBook platforms, and each is a bit different if you want to download the book to your computer or device. You should be able to view the eBook on the screen without the hassle of downloading, if you just want to skim.

  • ProQuest eBook Central - you'll have to login with your NetID/password. You can easily view sections and it tells you how many pages you're allowed to download as a PDF, based on the publisher's restrictions. To download and check out the whole book, you'll need Adobe Digital Editions for computers, and the Bluefire Reader for other devices. (It's pretty good about prompting you what you need.)
  • EBSCOhost eBooks -- works roughly the same as ProQuest, though you'll have to create a My EBSCOhost Account if you don't have one already.
  • Taylor & Francis and Wiley - DRM-free, so these are the easiest interfaces, with each chapter viewable or download a PDF copy.