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Research Guides

Eastern Washington University Libraries

History 490: Legal & Constitutional History

History Databases Containing Primary Sources

Local Resources

Useful Words for Finding Primary Sources in the Library Catalog

To find books that reproduce primary sources on your topic, you need to enter the topic (or person) you are researching and one of the following subjects:

Archives, correspondence, diaries, interviews, letters, manuscripts, maps, memoirs, narratives (personal, slave, etc.), photographs, propaganda, sources, speeches.

If you want to find reproductions of important primary sources from U.S. history, then you can do a subject search for United States History Sources in the EWU catalog.

Government or military documents

Government/military documents

·    Important documents are republished in book form – LC subject heading usually ends with sources for collections of primary documents

·    Try searching the Catalog:

Your Topic (keyword) AND united states (author)

Diplomatic Documents

Try doing a subject search in the Catalog for the following subject headings:

Diplomatic history Sources.

United States Foreign relations Sources

United States Foreign relations Sources United States. Dept. of State Archives

You can browse the results or try narrowing your search by adding another keyword on the advanced search screen.

Presidential Papers

Presidential Papers

·    For presidential papers, try this keyword search: Name of president AND papers (to focus it down even further, you can add: AND sources)

Example: Harry Truman AND papers AND sources