All of our databases may be accessed from any computer connected to the Internet, with your Single Sign-on (SSO) username and password. This username/password is the same one that you use to log into campus computers, the wireless network, EWU Google Drive, EWU email, etc.
If you have not created your password, go to See IT Support Solutions for more information.
If you have problems logging in, see below.
NOTE: If you can access one database, but not another (such as EBSCOhost databases are working fine, but you cannot access ProQuest databases), please contact the Reference Desk at Ask a Librarian. We need to know when specific databases are not working!
1. Have you created a Single Sign On (SSO) password? (Your EagleNET PIN will not work.)
Yes! Proceed to question 3.
No. Please go to to verify your username and set a password. See IT Support Solutions for more information
2. Did you recently change your password?
Yes! Proceed to question 4.
No. Then there is something wrong with your password, such as it expired (password is good for only 120 days), or something is wrong with your account. To change your password, go to For further help with your account, contact the IT Help Desk.
3. Did you connect to the EWU Libraries authentication page, pictured below?
Yes! Click "EWU SSO Login" and type in your SSO username and password.
No. There are a few possible reasons why you are not seeing the page above. Try clearing out your cookies and your cache. But don't disable cookies entirely! Your computer must be able to accept all cookies for this service to work. To change the cookies setting, under Tools or Options in your browser, look for the Privacy or Security tab.
4. Can you access Canvas or another resource that required you to log in with your SSO?
5. Do you have your cookies disabled or limited on your Internet browser?
Your computer must be able to accept all cookies for this service to work. To change the cookies setting, under Options in your browser, look for the Privacy or Security tab.
6. Does your browser block pop-up windows?
Some of our databases require pop-up windows. Changing your browser settings to allow pop-ups may solve the problem.
Other Troubleshooting Tips
If none of the above suggestions are helping, please try re-booting your computer. If you are still having difficulty accessing the online electronic resources remotely please contact [].
If the link you are trying to use lacks the proxy server pre-pend [], go to this page for information about adding the pre-pend to the link to force SSO log-in. This issue can often occur if links from Canvas do not contain the proxy pre-pend and you are trying to access them from off-campus. Links with the prepend usually use the following convention:[resource URL]. For example:
(Information added by Rose Krause, 2025-01-30)
See the EWU in the High School - Instructor Guide for specific information about EWU in the High School log-ins when you do not have an EWU SSO.
Make sure you are connected to the EWUsecure network, not the guest network. See the IT knowledgebase articles about network options.
Chromebooks can present unique issues with accessing library databases on- and off-campus. Use the troubleshooting steps above, and if all else fails, sign in to Virtual Labs, select the "VirtualLabs" application, then the "Desktop" application. Wait for the session to load, then sign in with your SSO password when prompted. In the virtual desktop, open a browser to access the internet. This browser session is essentially a simulated on-campus session. Consult the FAQs and Solutions section of the Virtual Labs page for support.