× Summit and Interlibrary Loan requesting are unavailable through January 20, 2025. They will resume Tuesday January 21, 2025.
JFK Reference Desk
Bellevue College LMC Reference Desk
Have a question? Please ask using the chat box below!
EWU's electronic resources (e.g. databases) may be accessed from any computer connected to the Internet, with your Single Sign-On (SSO) credentials. If you haven't created your password, or have forgotten it, go to accounts.ewu.edu. If you're still having trouble with your SSO login, then contact the IT Help Desk at (509) 359-2247.
For Bellevue College article databases...
When prompted to log in, use your BC email address and password to login. For help with BC logins, contact the Bellevue College librarians at 425-564-6161 or email [reference@bellevuecollege.edu].
These article databases are good places to begin your research, or when you just need some articles on your topic.
Not happy with the results from the databases listed above? Then try these research guides by subject.
When you are searching in one of our databases and the article isn't available full text right there, look for the hyperlinked icon that says Check for Full Text. A new screen will open up in our catalog giving you these options:
*Note: Sometimes if the article is available from a journal vendor, then the link may not bring you directly to the full text of the article. Instead, it will drop you on the top page of the journal's home page and you have to find the article using the citation information (volume, issue & page number) or by date.
Still have questions about the status of your Interlibrary Loan items? Go to our ILL guide or contact the EWU Interlibrary Loan department directly at 509-359-2492 or via E-mail [ewuill@ewu.edu].