× Summit and Interlibrary Loan requesting are unavailable through January 20, 2025. They will resume Tuesday January 21, 2025.
If you are looking on some tips on beginning your research, I suggest that you visit this Beginning your research guide and reach out to me with any questions, Kelly Evans, kevans21@ewu.edu
Listed below are links to databases that EWU Libraries provide access to. From off-campus, these databases are limited to EWU students, faculty, and staff. Non-EWU folks can access these resources at computer workstations located in the Spokane Academic Library.
Note also that any of the databases listed below as "EBSCO" share a common interface and can be searched concurrently. Just select a link to an EBSCO database, click on the "Choose Databases" link above the search boxes, and select the databases you wish to simultaneously search.