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Note that you will have to make modifications to the results to comply with MLA in español, such as changing the capitalization and changing Works Cited to Bibliografía.
Redalyc has a built-in citation generator, once you are viewing the full text of the article.
Other journal websites might include a citation generator.
Here are some methods to generate a basic MLA citation of a specific book or article. Be sure to double-check the citation for accuracy! You still need to know MLA style. Note: The latest MLA style is 9th, but there are very minor changes between 8th and 9th.
Useful websites for MLA:
Google Scholar
Copy/paste the title of the book or article into the Google Scholar search box above. (I would suggest the "title of the work" in quotes, and if the title isn't long, last name of the first author ) If Google Scholar has a record for it, look for the just below the citation or abstract. This will bring up a generated citation.
EWU Library Catalog
The EWU Library Catalog has a built-in citation function. Look for the icon quotation mark labeled Citation.
Zotero & Mendeley - Free Citation Managers
Cite a Website?
These are a couple of free online resources that will attempt to generate an MLA citation from a URL. How much it can supply depends on how well the website was created using metadata. You'll still need to verify the capitalization, etc. for Spanish-language MLA.