× Summit and Interlibrary Loan requesting are unavailable through January 20, 2025. They will resume Tuesday January 21, 2025.
· When using search engines like Google, apply the same types of search strategies & methods of limiting your keyword search found in the “hints for searching online databases” section (e.g. using quotation marks to search for phrases). You can also use Google's advanced search to help you limit by specific domains like .gov or .org.
· Evaluate the resources you find to make sure that they are reliable Web sites.
· If you know the name of a reliable organization (museum, archive, etc.) that may have digitized artifacts, then try Googling the name of the organization and browse the organization’s Web site.
· If you’re looking for a specific document, and can type in the exact title, then someone (a university, archive, federal agency, etc.) might have digitized it.
For other Web site suggestions by particular topics, please see the appropriate tab.
For further assistance, see Using Primary Sources on the Web.