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Research Guides

Eastern Washington University Libraries

Lesson Planning in the Curriculum Center

An online version of the lesson planning binder in EWU's Curriculum Center, pointing you to good resources for planning lessons and units for K-12 instruction using the materials found here in the JFK Library.


HOW TO: using the guide

Are you having trouble navigating our guide? Let us help you! 

  1. To the left of the page, you will find a selection of subject topic. (this is where you selected 'Mathematics')
  2. Move your mouse over the  subject of your interest and find a variety of subtopics. ​​Clicking on the subject of your choice will also lead you to the selection of subtopics.
  3. Once you have chosen a subject and a subtopic, you will see a selection of tabs with more specific categories of the subtopic.
  4. Find a few books of interest to you and check them out at our JFK Curriculum Center found on the lower lever in the far back
  5. Can't find anything of interest to you? Feel free to search our catalog!