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Research Guides

Eastern Washington University Libraries

Music 461: Vocal Pedagogy

For Dr. Nicole Sonbert

How to Generate a Citation in the Databases

Many of our article databases and the EWU Library Catalog have a citation generator. Accuracy varies. You still need to know your style, but it's certainly easier to copy/paste the citation and correct any errors.

EWU Library Catalog

Click the quotation mark icon citation icon in the EWU Library Catalog then choose your stile. Note: The author format isn't consistently accurate, and it doesn't include URLs to the full article. 


Click the Cite button on the right side if you are viewing the results list, or the Cite this item button on the left if you are viewing the article in full. Ask your professor if you need to include the date you accessed the article.

Project MUSE

You need to be viewing the full article or book (click on the title, or View), then look for the link View Citation.

EBSCOhost Databases

You need to be viewing the full record (click on the hyperlinked title), then click the Cite button on the far right. You can also have the citation included in the record emailed to you by choosing Include when sending: Citation Format, and choose your style. On rare occasions, I've seen the author in ALLCAPS because that's how it was in the EBSCOhost record.

Print Citation Guides

Do you want to see the actual paper style manual for your area of study?  The Circulation Desk at the JFK Library has all the latest citation style manuals (Chicago/Turabian, MLA, APA, etc.) available for short period checkout.