If you need to cancel a request, either an EWU and/or a Summit item, you can log into your EWU library account by accessing our library main page here: https://www.ewu.edu/library/ or through the Library link in Canvas, which can be found in the menu on the left side of the Canvas Dashboard.
- Click on the Account Log-In tab in the upper right corner of the screen on our library’s main page.

- A pop-up will appear, click the link for EWU student, faculty, and staff.

- Once you have logged-in, go to the upper right corner of the screen… where it says your name and click the drop-down arrow to view your account options.

- To cancel, click on “My Requests”, find the item you are wanting to cancel, click on “cancel”

- You should see a small pop-up that looks like this with the words “cancel it” in green, be sure to keep your cursor hovered over the cancel option:

- Once you’ve canceled, you should see this message:

- If for some reason you don’t see this message and/or it looks like it hasn’t canceled your request, please contact the Summit Services office.
- If you’re not seeing the item you would like to cancel in your library account, it may be an interlibrary loan. For cancelation details, please check out the ILL FAQ here: https://research.ewu.edu/ill
If you have any questions, you can email the EWU Library Expanded Summit Service Office at summit@ewu.edu or call 509-359-2819.